Mon-Thur 8:30-4:30

Friday 8:30-12:00


Fax: 904.652.0378

6885 Belfort Oaks Place, Suite 110

Jacksonville, FL 32216

Interstitial Cystitis


Interstitial Cystitis Treatment in Jacksonville, FL


Interstitial Cystitis (IC) is also known as the bladder pain syndrome. It’s a complex, chronic disorder characterized by an inflamed or irritated bladder wall.  IC affects women (and men) of all ages. In general it feels like a bladder infection (UTI) that never seems to go away. In fact, it is often misdiagnosed as a recurrent UTI. If left untreated, IC can lead to scarring and stiffening of the bladder, decreased bladder capacity and pinpoint bleeding.

If you are experiencing chronic bladder pain, contact us for a consultation to discuss your treatment options.

Frequently Asked Questions:

The exact cause of IC remains a mystery, but researchers have identified a number of factors that may contribute to the development of this condition, such as:

  • Bladder trauma (from pelvic surgery or injury)
  • Bladder overdistension (waiting too long to go to the bathroom)
  • Pelvic floor muscle dysfunction
  • Autoimmune disorder
  • Bacterial infection
  • Pain or feelings of pressure in the mid lower pelvis and/or in the vaginal area. Often, the pain is worse as the bladder becomes full. For some people it may be triggered by stress, sexual intercourse, or certain foods (tomato based foods, spicy foods, acidic foods, certain juices).
  • Painful sexual intercourse
  • Frequent urination
  • A variety of diagnostic tests and procedures may be necessary to differentiate IC symptoms from those of a UTI. There is no one standard treatment for IC, but many effective treatments can be individualized to each patient. Dr. Thompson has had tremendous success treating IC symptoms with various medications, bladder instillations, pelvic floor rehab and nerve blocks like BOTOX®.

If you have symptoms of IC or have been referred by your doctor, please contact us to schedule a consultation.